Sezione Cultura

L EADERSHIP MEDICA is not only about Medicine, but also Culture at 360°!

Archaeology, Art, History, Literature, Music and cultural events always have been a main focus for our Redaction, that lead to build a proper, content-rich section.
The complete list of cultural articles are available here, while you will find the most recent article below.

Credibility goes up in smoke

Category: Latest news
da Leadership Medica n. 2 del 2001 How much credibility goes up in smoke when we all fling our arms up in horror at mad cows, impoverished uranium, genetically modified corn and cloned calves and all the real and/or virtual threats to our physical and/or bioethical health? What sinister examples...

The feminism of G. B. Shaw

Category: Theatre
from Leadership Medica n. 1/2001 In a historical period and in an atmosphere which was still connected to the fin de siècle environment, but with an extremely modern and anticipatory thematic vision, George Bernard Shaw succeeded in creating a woman’s character which was revolutionary for the...

Oscar Wilde: theatre as irony and trasgression

Category: Theatre
from Leadership Medica n. 4/2000 Shakes, often violently outrageous, against the drawing-room society of the end of the nineteenth century came from the works of the Irish Oscar Wilde (1854-1900).  Besides the collection of verse and novels, he measured himself also with the pleasure of composing theatre...

At a loss between the e-commerce and the e-humanism...

Category: Latest news
da Leadership Medica n. 3 del 2000 Internet: since numbers regarding the net change at the sound speed and so I will risk to be too much imprecise in the time lapse between I write and you will read, I will keep to generalities.The most Italians are still without computer and so without net...